About Justin Balch

Hello, my name is Justin. I have 10+ years experience working primarily with couples in distress, as well as with adult individuals struggling with past trauma, anxiety and depression. I help to demystify the experience of emotion with clients, and help them learn how to reveal, feel, and heal in an effective manner.

Trauma and Attachment


Trauma and Attachment Time doesn’t heal all wounds. Time and loving experiences, however, do have the power to heal our attachment systems. What is our attachment system? It’s the part of our brain and nervous

Trauma and Attachment2024-12-02T08:01:34+00:00

We All Have A Superpower


We All Have A Superpower I heard a comment the other day on a podcast that struck me as a truism, especially as it relates to relationships: “Vulnerability is your superpower.” Why? Why, for instance,

We All Have A Superpower2024-11-05T19:12:34+00:00

Without Fear There is No Courage


Without Fear There is No Courage I read a cool quote the other day, unfortunately I can’t remember who it is, but anyhow it said: “Without fear, we wouldn’t know what bravery is.” Interesting concept.

Without Fear There is No Courage2024-09-22T21:10:19+00:00

Anxiety and Avoidance


Anxiety and Avoidance Being afraid of something is probably one of my least favorite experiences on this planet. And I’m not talking about snakes, or heights, or any other monster underneath the bed. For me,

Anxiety and Avoidance2024-09-09T18:30:45+00:00

Taking Ownership of Your Choices


Taking Ownership of Your Choices Here I go again. Over promise and underperform. Except, it’s not even really over promising. It’s more I have a bad habit of avoidance. Take this week for example. Our

Taking Ownership of Your Choices2024-08-19T18:22:10+00:00

Every Rose Has a Thorn


Every Rose Has a Thorn Is there such a thing as being too positive? Gratitude and thankfulness are powerful tools we can all employ that can really impact our mood throughout the day. Some folks

Every Rose Has a Thorn2024-07-08T17:40:27+00:00
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