Solace Solutions Sanity Tip of the Day

One way to refocus your brain and to relieve some anxiety caused by the news is to listen to an uplifting podcast. The one I’m about to recommend is usually under 10 minutes a day and hearing something inspiring and motivational could be a game changer to get you out of the quarantine rut. PS-I am technologically impaired at times and have figured out podcasts so you can too, that’s not an excuse. They are free most of the time, you can get them on your phone and you can listen to them while doing something else ie: cleaning, walking your dog, driving (no, maybe not driving since we have nowhere to drive but you get the idea) My husband introduced me to Optimal Living Daily by Justin Malik which is short and awesome! Every episode I walk away with a new perspective or feeling inspired. For the ladies, I also recommend @Rachel Hollis’ podcast Rise. She is a refreshing and real voice out there and has encouraged thousands of women across the nation through her books and now her podcast. Try one or both of these out today and see what you think! Attachments area