Blue Light-blocking Glasses, Are They Worth The Hype?

By now, everybody knows I’m super into all of the natural things and super not into all of the things that are bad for you, except maybe wine…lol. HOWEVER, while listening to one of my mental health nutrition courses I was able to learn more about the effect blue light has on our eyes as well as our circadian rhythm. I also learned that these effects can be easily mitigated with some sexy blue light-blocking glasses (see attached image if you are wondering just how sexy these glasses can be!)

To start, it is no secret that almost all of us are staring at screens for multiple reasons every day. Whether working at a computer or staring at your cell phone we are exposing our eyes to screens more than ever before. This is daytime, right? Now let’s talk about nighttime. I can’t tell you how many clients and friends of mine have told me they are on social media or watching TV right before bed. Although this may seem “relaxing” it’s actually not so relaxing for your brain. The blue light that is emitted from screens can interfere with our circadian rhythm, making it harder to fall asleep. Blue light can also cause digital eye strain, leading to symptoms like headaches, dry eyes, and blurry vision. In the long run, there are concerns about the potential impact on eye health and an increased risk of macular degeneration.

That is where blue light glasses come in. So being me, I might say, “Well, why don’t you read a book before bed instead?” (Even though I love cozying up to my husband and watching a good show now and then once my fiery five-year-old is asleep.) The kicker is that these glasses present an option where you can still watch a screen before bed if you feel so inclined BUT protect your eyeballs and reduce the interference with your circadian rhythm.

So we’ve talked about why I use my blue light-blocking glasses. Who else can benefit?

  • Office Workers: If you spend long hours in front of a computer, blue light glasses might help reduce digital eye strain.
  • Gamers: Gamers often have extended gaming sessions with intense screen exposure, making blue light glasses a good choice.
  • Night Owls: If you tend to use digital devices late at night, these glasses can help minimize the impact on your sleep.
  • Kids: Children are spending more time on screens for school and entertainment, and blue light glasses can help protect their developing eyes.

Tips for Choosing Blue Light Glasses

When shopping for blue light glasses, keep these tips in mind:

  • Look for glasses that block at least 90% of blue light.
  • Make sure they fit comfortably and suit your style.
  • Consult an eye care professional for the best advice on which glasses are right for you.

So what is the bottom line? It seems blue light glasses can be a helpful tool in reducing the potential side effects of excessive screen time. While they may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, many people find relief from eye strain and improved sleep quality. If you’re concerned about your screen time and its impact on your eyes, blue light glasses might be worth a try. Also, keep in mind that they will likely work best in conjunction with other healthy habits like taking regular screen breaks and maintaining proper lighting conditions. Lastly, who can resist that sexy glasses look anyway?